I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10b
Take a walk with us through the last two months in photographs:
These are not just pictures of the "bad part of town..."
 these are  town.
 The "decent" dwellings you or I would expect are the exception, not the rule.
Actually a very common sight
The streets are literally FLOODED three times a day with children of all ages (up to college age) in uniform. Arrival at school, lunch, and dismissal.
Our new church family
Pastor Edging (that's his first name) walkin' us through The Word
Ay na ko... (something like that! It means: *sigh*) this poor resolution picture makes this mama's heart sing
And this one does, too. When did my first born grow so big as to be able to actually  run a grill??

The vastness of all we have been taking in has somewhat paralyzed my ability to articulate any single experience... We do apologize! How would I pick something to write on when there was so much to choose from? I have actually gotten up from a restaurant table and left the restaurant from the inability to successfully wade through all the pages and choices of a menu. I have put back all the cds/bath towels/eyeshadows/you-name-its that I had out to choose between, and left the store empty-handed  because the task of narrowing down the options to one was too great. How silly... believe me, I know. And here it has reared it's ugly head again. I couldn't process through the extremeness of the new experiences thoroughly enough to, in any sort of timely manner, give you even the slightest glimpse into this great-big-new-world we are living in! So, incase the pictures didn't do it any justice, let me just say...

It is glorious.

So thank Rebecca Thompson if you see her for giving me a way out when she said, "Just post pictures! No words necessary!" 
Here you have it then... pictures worth at least a few words.
8/1/2013 01:04:30 am

Thank you for sharing...I love the tininess of that little grill! I know being where I am all the choices and life has given my eye a twitch. I can fathom how you are over there. I hope the joys trump the difficulties that you might endure. Oh the stories you'll have to tell once you come back! You are the wisest old--but truly Young--women I know! So much love to you and all those you are sharing your light with. oxoxo

8/1/2013 01:13:41 am

Okay...not sure what happen in that comment...it doesn't even make sense! I meant, I am where you are in all the choices we have to make in life and the stress seems to be overwhelming. My eye now has a twitch I can't seem to get rid of. I can not fathom how you are doing it over there. All the children, working (soon), and moving to a foreign country with a different language!!! I have said it before...You ARE a Rock Star! Amazing! And certainly one to follow! You will have so many stories to share for years and years--yet another thing to make so many love you even more for! Keep up that smile and tell Jordan he has to master your pizza's on the grill..how I long for one of those!! LOVE you all so much. God bless. oxoxox

Rebecca Thompson
8/1/2013 06:46:49 am

Thank you!! The kids stopped what they were doing and said, "WAIT! What is THAT?" It's just a tad big different than our home here. ;) Keep 'em coming!

8/11/2013 12:07:59 am

Those are beautiful photos. Thank you for posting them.

Becky Fobes
8/21/2013 06:22:54 am

Wow, what a great glimpse into another way of life! Sure makes me appreciate what we have here in the USA! Love and miss you all!


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